templates/components/services-section.html.twig line 1

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  1. {% set changeLastItemIsDefined = changeLastItem is defined %}
  2. {% set titleIsDefined = title is defined %}
  3. <div class="container my-5">
  4.     {% if (titleIsDefined) %}
  5.     <div class="row">
  6.         <div class="col-12">
  7.             <h2 class="point light">{{ title }}</h2>
  8.         </div>
  9.     </div>
  10.     {% endif %}
  11.     {% for itemRow in items|batch(4) %}
  12.         {% set isLastItem = loop.last %}
  13.         <div class="row gy-4 g-lg-4 mb-4 match-height-three-links-box service-group" data-match-height-group="three-links-box-group">
  14.             {% for item in itemRow %}
  15.                 <div class="col-12 col-lg-6 service-group-item {{ changeLastItemIsDefined and changeLastItem ? ((loop.last and isLastItem) ? 'last-item' : '') : '' }}">
  16.                 {% set borderBottomEnabled = changeLastItemIsDefined and changeLastItem and (isLastItem and loop.last) ? false : true %}
  17.                     {{ include('@components/three-links-box.html.twig', {
  18.                         backgroundColorClass: 'service-group-item-background',
  19.                         title: item.servicesOverviewBlockTitle,
  20.                         text: item.servicesOverviewBlockText,
  21.                         links: [
  22.                             include('@components/link.html.twig', {
  23.                                 text: item.servicesLinkText,
  24.                                 link: item.servicesLinkUrl,
  25.                                 borderBottom: borderBottomEnabled,
  26.                                 textRight: borderBottomEnabled ? false : true
  27.                             }),
  28.                             include('@components/link.html.twig', {
  29.                                 text: item.servicesLinkText1,
  30.                                 link: item.servicesLinkUrl1,
  31.                                 borderBottom: borderBottomEnabled,
  32.                                 textRight: borderBottomEnabled ? false : true
  33.                             }),
  34.                             include('@components/link.html.twig', {
  35.                                 text: item.servicesLinkText2,
  36.                                 link: item.servicesLinkUrl2,
  37.                                 borderBottom: borderBottomEnabled,
  38.                                 textRight: borderBottomEnabled ? false : true
  39.                             })
  40.                         ],
  41.                     }) }}
  42.                 </div>
  43.             {% endfor %}
  44.         </div>
  45.     {% endfor %}
  46. </div>